For a better management , SLA Monitoring for JIRA give you the possibility to configure one or more working calendar 


1. Add a calendar (Administration >SLA Calendars > Calendar Management)

2. To configure the calendar, Fill the folowing field 

  1. Set the name of the new calendar
  2. Set the description of the new calendar
  3. Click on the checkbox to choose the working day of the week
  4. Define the start time of the work for each working day
  5. Define the end time of the work for each working day
  6. Add a new holiday to the calendar
  7. Set the date of the holiday
  8. Is it a repeated or an exceptional holiday ? ( Checked = Repeated)
  9. Click 'ADD' to add the holiday
  10. After filling all the fields, Save the new calendar by clicking on the button 'SAVE'