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This is how to Please refer to

to create and configure an SLA custom field :field 


Create the custom field

Create the custom field configure as SLA monitoring, The  We choose 'Processing Time' as the name of the custom field is 'Processing Time'.

Configure the SLA custom field


The start date is configured as in the field 'Starting date' that is created for the examplethe

The End date/time is configured by default (= to current date)

We create 3 levels of indicator

  • Green between 0 and 2 days
  • Orange between 2 and 4 days
  • Red between 4 days and undefined value ( >4 days)

2. Assign the calendar

we will find need first to lookup for the calendar that we create created in the first step ( I. Create a working calendar)

The screen of the chosen calendar choosen will be dislayed displayed

3. Configure the scheduler


in the tab 'scheduler', we will configure the scheduler

Click in the button on 'Configuration', and the screen of the Scheduler will be displayed ( or access to the path: Administration > Manage Apps > SLA Monitoring scheduler > Scheduler configuration >Click on "Add a scheduler".  )

4. Add an action to


be executed for each level

In the tab 'Actions', we will configure the action to execute for each level

For the green level, we will add a notification action

For the orange level, we will add a custom action following the stepsas follows::

 1. create the groovy file in the following path: Atlassian/Jira/KeplerTechnologies/custom-actions, The groovy filename is: ActionToDo

2. Come back Back to the configuration, and add the groovy filename in the new action . (the filename ='ActionToDo')

For the Red level, we will add both actions ( notification and custom action),.

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By clicking on the button 'Done', the configuration of the SLA will be saved.

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